We work with over 40 primary and secondary schools over 7 regions.
Over a 29 year career Sarah has taught from pre-school to Year 8 working in a range of schools and settings in various roles including as a Primary Deputy Head and Headteacher. She has a passion for books and reading and sees it as a huge privilege to work with children, and now teacher trainees. Throughout her career she has mentored and coached many trainee teachers on both university and school based routes.
Over the past 26 years, Andy has taught at five comprehensive schools and worked as an Assistant Headteacher and now a Vice Principal.
Andy leads the SCITT Secondary Programme for the Coast region is the Lead for TKAT’s Teaching School Alliance (Coast region).
With over 10 years experience in Primary Education, Josie has taught and led across a range of Primary Schools in Surrey and West Sussex. Josie is the SCITT Programme Lead for the City region and is also proud to work at The Mill Primary school in West Sussex.
Josie has worked in many TKAT primaries over the years and really feels part of the #oneTKATfamily. Within her career, she has developed as a knowledgeable classroom practitioner and subsequently lead in various areas such as teaching and learning as well as contributing to whole school development in senior leadership roles. As her career developed she always knew that being part of initial teacher training was where her passion belonged. Therefore, being part of the SCITT team is both a privilege and honour to be working alongside others that want the very best for our trust's trainee teachers. Josie believes that we have a duty to work together to share success and develop education for all, for the better.
Over the last 16 years Hanna has taught across various primary settings, leading a range of subjects and teams along the way.
As a previous Deputy Head Teacher, Hanna led on curriculum, teacher development and ITT. She was also a Trust Teaching and Learning Lead.
Alongside her Primary Programme Lead role, Hanna supports school improvement as a Lead Practitioner for TKAT. Hanna is a keen reader and writer who is passionate about developing teachers and improving educational outcomes for children.
Jo was a Home Office Civil Servant for 26 years. Her career at TKAT began in 2006, when she joined Kemnal Technology College as Clerk to the Governing Body. From there, she was a Cover Supervisor and then moved to the role as PA to the Headteacher.
Jo was part of the original team that formed TKAT SCITT in 2012, which initially began with 7 academies in Bromley, Bexley and Essex.
She now oversees the administration of the SCITT including all of our School Direct Lead Schools: Rainham School for Girls, Debden Park High School and Chichester High School.
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